
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Table Organization, Giveaway Winners, and a Sale!

Do you all have tables or desks?

I have tables, and I love them but the organization problem continues to me haunt me. I have tried EVERYTHING.

Everyone at my school uses these boxes.

They all seem to love them just fine. I hate them. I had them all lined up on top of my counters because that was the only place to store them. Having all the kids have to go to one place in the room presented with a problem as there was ALWAYS a traffic jam. My room is small and it was hard to move around to get at the boxes. It was just wasted time. 

Then one of my girls started sneaking her box off the counter and kept it on her desk. 

Like I wouldn't notice. 

I get it though, if I were a kid a would hate waiting in that traffic jam. She just wanted to have everything at her seat. So I thought, well lets just try that. 

Big mistake. It just looked cluttered and awful and it left the kids with no space to work. It drove me crazy. So I sent the boxes home tried a new solution.

I bought the heavy duty file folders and used one crate per table. This was an okay solution. It stopped the traffic jam, but the kids were always accidentally putting their stuff in the wrong file and if a book got put in there, it was forgotten forever. The kids told me they didn't like this set up and they didn't think I should use it next year. 

So I am at a crossroads. I don't want to go back to the ikea boxes, and I didn't really like the crates. I would love to try chair pockets. I found a tutorial online, but I don't know if I'll have the time to make them before schools starts. I saw the other types on pinterest made from stretchy book covers. But I don't like how they hang all the way down. ( I can be obnoxiously picky) 

So if you have tables, what do you use? Do you have a magic solution that will make my problems go away? Please share any information in the comments. I will be eternally grateful. 

And I have the winners of my 100 follower giveaway!

Jennifer, you have won the target gift card and 3 items of your choice from my store!

Vicky, you have won your choice of prizes from the four different TPT shops


 I will be emailing you shortly with directions on how to claim your prizes! 

For everyone else I am putting everything in my shop on sale for 20% off through Friday at midnight!

So if there's something you really wanted now might be the time to get it! If you order something please make sure you leave feedback! Thanks! 


  1. I am totally ecstatic! Thank you so much and thanks to all those who donated products! I can't wait to pick them out...:)

    Keep Calm & Imagine

    1. You're welcome! I like this part of giveaways :-)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I have tables but this is my first year teaching so I don't have any magic solutions for you! I'm using chair pockets to hold folders, and bags of books, and writing notebooks. Not much else will fit in them. I'm using 3 crates to house their reading binders. The binders are numbered (corresponding with student numbers) and I will arrange the crates around the room to avoid major traffic james... they just have to know where their number is. Thankfully my district doesn't really use text books so I don't have to worry about them.

    Let us know what you decide to do as far as organization!


    1. Thanks for your reply. I think I've decided to do something similar. Chair pockets for books, their math journal and morning work journal. And Crates to hold their writing binders. Hopefully it works out!

  4. I still use desks, but I am trying to keep them from putting things in it this year. So... i bought some wire bookshelves at Target in their college section and set them up at the end of each group. This will house textbook, supplies, etc. They weren't too expensive and super easy to assemble - my 10 year old and 8 year old each put one together for me. I think this would be a good solution for you. Each week a part of my job chart will be group leaders. They will be in charge of quickly passing out the material, thus no traffic jams.

    Come check me out and enter my giveaway!

    Timeouts and Tootsie Rolls
