
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Busy, busy, busy and awards!

So like I said in my last post, I have been busy, busy, busy. Mostly Cutting and laminating, and cutting some more. Here is a little sample

In the last week I have printed, cut and laminated, calendar cards, goal posters, supply labels, schedule cards, reward coupons, voice chart, alphabet, and clock pieces. It was intense lol.

Voice chart by The Teaching Chick
Alphabet by Lady Bug's Teacher Files
Clock pieces by The Clutter Free Classroom

Everything else was made by me :-)

So, in other news, I have been lucky to have been nominated for a few awards. It really makes my heart happy to know that you all are noticing me :-)

Stephanie at Maestra Bilingue Sara at 4th grade fanatics Sara at Miss V's Busy Bee's  and Erin at First with Franklin have nominate me for the Versatile Blogger award. Thank you so much ladies!

Here are the rules for this award

1. thank the blogger who nominated you. 2. Include a link to their site 3. Include the award image in your post 4. Give 7 random facts about yourself 5. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award. 6. When nominating, include a link to their site7. Let other bloggers know they have been nominated
7 facts

1. I teach in Hollywood, California.  I teach the children of actors, actresses, writers, producers, you name it.
2. I love my school, we teach based on the principles of project based learning and eco-literacy. Every kid is given a healthy hot lunch everyday. We also have weekly cooking and gardening classes.
3. I think I mentioned this is a previous post but I am a self-described Harry Potter and Disney nerd.
4. Speaking of Harry Potter, I'm going to see Harry and the Potters with special guests the Potter Puppet Pals this month.
5. My sister is my role model. She is on the autism spectrum and has always had a hard time in school, but has recently decided to try college again and is doing amazing. Her horror stories of how she was treated in elementary school is one of the reason I am a teacher today. And when I say horror stories, I mean being sent outside and forgotten for hours. Teachers having her color in the back of the room all day instead of teach her etc.
6. I do not consider myself a crafty person, however my mother, sister and best friend are. I try hard to be like them and they give me lots of tips and ideas. This blog and all you lovely people help too.
7. I am probably the most forgetful person ever. I was constantly leaving my phone all around my classroom. Luckily I had one awesome sweetie who put herself in charge of keeping track of my phone and bringing it back to me.

Okay so I am going to cheat a bit. I hope that's okay. I didn't nominate 15. I was trying to nominate blogs I already read, who as far as I know don't already have the award. The blogs I did nominate are awesome. Check them out!

Thank God it's First

An Uncommon to the Core Teacher

I was also nominated for the Liebster award by Erin at first with Franklin and Sara at Miss V's Busy Bee's . Which highlights bloggers with less than 200 followers.

So I nominate:

An Uncommon to the Core Teacher

Teaching Chick

I hope everyone has fantastic Holiday! Filled with family, friends and fun. I don't know what I'm doing yet (crazy I know) but I hope it involves the beach and some fireworks!


  1. Hope you have a great 4th! Love Malibu and the Santa Monica Pier.

  2. Thanks Cassandra for the award! Don't worry, you aren't the only Harry Potter/ Disney nerd out there! :) My two year old already asks to watch "Harry Potter on the tb (tv)"

  3. You are too sweet! Thank you for the award Cassandra!!!

    T.G.I.F. (Thank God it's First Grade!)

  4. Love your blog! I've selected you for the One Lovely Blog! Come onover and pick it up!

    Teaching Special Kids
