
Sunday, December 2, 2012

Oh, Christmas Tree! Plus 12 Days of Holiday Freebies!

I found the most adorable linky party form learning for keeps. It's all about our Christmas Trees!

So I live in L.A, and my parents live in Northern California. Every year my boyfriend and I travel to our home town for the Christmas season. Since we aren't in our own home for Christmas each year, I don't normally put up a tree. Although sometimes I think about it because I love decorating and my parents always have there's decorated before I get there.

So I am sharing their tree.

Not the best picture, but if you look closely you can see three trees. They put up three trees each year. One has exclusively Harley Davidson ornaments. ( My parents are awesome bikers and are just cool like that) Another tree has my childhood ornaments on it. Ones I made in school and ones that were bought for me as presents. The final tree is my sisters. 

My parents LOVE Christmas they go all out with the decorating. I just love going home and smelling the cider cooking in the crockpot and seeing all the decorations from my childhood. Here's a couple more pics of their house all decked out.

My parents are thinking of not putting the reindeer out this year because the neighbor kids always put them in compromising positions :-O

And Santa riding a harley of Course ;-)

Link up and share your trees!

Now on to 12 days of Holiday freebies!

Why am I doing this? Well it sounded like a good idea at the time.
Plus I needed something to get me on a good blogging schedule.
And it seemed fun.
And I had lots of good ideas bubbling around in my head.
And I bought Mel's Premium graphics collections which had tons of holiday graphics.

Thus...12 days of Holiday Freebies. I am going to try and post one each day, but I might skip a day or two, so it might not be consecutive days.

Here's today's!!!

For a quick writing exercise, have the kids brainstorm words to describe hot chocolate. For added fun you can even bring some in. Then have them write about it on the hot chocolate writing paper. Hope you enjoy it and come back tomorrow for your day two freebie!

Click here to get this freebie on Google Docs!

I hop you can use these freebies or at least file them away for next year! I've got lots of ideas brewing so make sure you follow me and keep checking back! 


  1. What an awesome idea to have three trees bundled together! I have never seen that before but I love it! :) Thanks for linking up and sharing your pictures. BTW, love your freebie. I am a hot cocoa fanatic. lol
    Learning 4 Keeps

  2. That's adorable that your parents have a tree dedicated to your homemade ornaments. Love it! I'm a new follower by the way.:)

    iTeach 1:1

  3. Love the three trees and the cute freebie. Thanks for sharing.


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