
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

So I was talking with a friend of mine about our goals for the upcoming year. Hers is to get a better job, me? I love my job. My goal is to make this a super successful blog. I need followers to do that though. lol. Problem is, I have no idea how to go about getting them.

If you are reading this follow me! I promise I am going to make this blog something special. Also if you are reading this blog leave me a comment, especially if you have tips to getting followers ;-)

So here's a cute story from today.

So today was one of my favorite days of the year. We call it Kid's Rule the School. Every year the parents have this huge fundraiser and an online auction is set up. One of the things parents can bid on is their child getting the chance to be the teacher for the day.

The student who won my job was AMAZING. She planned a totally fun activity that the kids were engrossed in and was really good at getting their attention/having them clean up.

My favorite part is that I take her place, I sit in her desk and do her work. I play games with the kids and read books. I sit on the carpet with the kids. I always make a point to be the best student I can be and try my best not to interfere in her teaching.

The kids LOVE IT. They are seriously so amused by the fact that I sit on the carpet with them.

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